External tracking

Sometimes you may want to track events that happened outside the visitor browser. For example, you may want to track events on the server-side of your system, or at some time when the customer is not present.

You can track events sending a POST request directly to the API and passing either the profile identifier or the session identifier.

The following examples use ruby’s HTTParty library. This may vary depending on the programming language, but the nature of the request remains the same.

When making a request to the API make sure to authenticate by setting the Authorization bearer token as the example. You can create an authorization token from the Tokens section in the business Settings.

Tracking by profile

You can track events directly to profiles simply specifying the profile identifier when tracking the event. If the profile doesn’t exist on Hellotext you must create it first. We recommend reading the API reference for creating a profile.

HTTParty.post "https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events", 
  headers: { 
    "Authorization" => "Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al...",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"
  body: { 
    action: "product.purchased",
    product: "vxqQJ3Yg",
    profile: "PROFILE_ID"

Replace the PROFILE_ID with the profile identifier of your customer.

If the request was made correctly the API should respond with a HTTP Status code of 201 and a JSON response similar to this:

  "state": "ok"

Tracking by session

This is perfectly possible by capturing the session identifier and keep it on your system to use it later when tracking an event.

To obtain the current session, simple call Hellotext.session:

// Returns bBJn9vR15yPaYkWmR2QK0jopMeNxrA6l

Perform the following request to the API:

HTTParty.post "https://api.hellotext.com/v1/attribution/events", 
  headers: { 
    "Authorization" => "Bearer ALK_eSMRuwJ2Al...",
    "Content-Type" => "application/json"
  body: { 
    action: "product.purchased",
    product_id: "vxqQJ3Yg",
    session_id: "HELLOTEXT_SESSION_ID"

You should replace the HELLOTEXT_SESSION_ID with the session identifier.

If the request was made correctly the API should respond with a HTTP Status code of 201 and a JSON response similar to this:

  "state": "ok"