Tips and best practices

Some tips and recommendations to help you start getting the most out of Hellotext from day one.


Night Hours

Set up Hellotext to prevent automations and campaigns from being sent at inconvenient times for your customers. Choose the time range during which you prefer not to contact them.

Example: A customer added a product to their cart at 6:30 p.m. but didn’t complete the purchase. You have an automation scheduled to send a WhatsApp reminder 8 hours later. Without Hellotext’s “Night Hours” setting, the message would be sent at 2:30 a.m. However, since you configured your night hours between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., the message will be sent at 9:00 a.m. the next day.

Bundles and Extra Credits

Your Hellotext plan includes credits, but we know some months you may need more. For those cases, we offer Bundles. Simply contact your Account Manager and let them know which Bundle you need. Bundles come with special pricing, so make sure to purchase one before using extra credits.


Save frequently used messages as templates so you don’t have to write them from scratch. The most common templates include:

  • Welcome message
  • Order status
  • Payment methods

Capture Tools

Use discount codes to encourage customers to fill out forms with their information.

QR Codes

Make sure to customize the title of your QR code, preferably using the name of the location where it will be placed. This will allow you to track the statistics for each QR code and know exactly which location it corresponds to.


Add a QR code to your Instagram account a couple of times a month to capture information from followers and stay in constant contact with them.


Create categories in your user profiles that will automatically populate when customers fill out a form with their information.

Example: You own a pet accessories store and create a category called “pet name” in your user profiles. When building the form, this category will appear as a blank field for the customer to fill in with their pet’s name. Hellotext will automatically store this information in the corresponding category.



Take the time to create segments for your different categories, products, and price ranges. Make sure to assign clear names to each segment so you can always choose the one that best fits your campaigns. Hellotext will automatically update these segments to ensure each customer is placed in the most relevant one.


Always create an audience called “test” that includes your personal number and those of a few team members (no more than three). This way, you can review how the campaigns look before sending them to your customers.

Small print: When drafting a WhatsApp campaign, you’ll see a small line at the bottom that says “Send STOP to unsubscribe from promotions”. This is what we call small print. It allows users to automatically unsubscribe from promotional messages. If a user sends STOP after receiving a campaign, they’ll be unsubscribed, but their profile will remain active in your database.


Be sure to mark conversations as closed when the interaction with a customer has ended. This way, you’ll keep your inbox organized and know which conversations still need a response.

Feel free to copy and paste this markdown for your use! Let me know if you’d like further adjustments!