Frequent questions

What is Hellotext?

Hellotext is a cutting-edge Platform designed to help businesses bloom by connecting them with their customers in a more direct and impactful way.

We put engagement driven conversions and your specific needs at the center stage through personalized communication and business intelligence, allowing you to track and understand your audience’s actions and preferences once they subscribe.

From their browsing habits to their clicks, purchases, and spending patterns, Hellotext provides in-depth insights and a dynamic approach that help you develop effective engagement strategies and drive interactions into conversions.

We go beyond customer management and data collection and provide the tools that help you put that information to work. Our platform serves as a centralized hub allowing your team to collaborate and streamline your customer engagement by managing or automatizing campaigns or communication in one powerful multi-channel inbox.

By leveraging the valuable customer insights and business intelligence obtained by Hellotext, you can deliver tailored exceptional experiences and drive meaningful engagement to strengthen the bond with your customers, foster deeper brand loyalty and achieve conversions.

With Hellotext, you’re not just gathering data – you’re unlocking the power of engagement to boost your business into overdrive.

What can I do with Hellotext?

With Hellotext you can harness the full potential of real-time dynamic tracking, enrich your database by harvesting valuable feedback and in-depth behavioral insights.

You can expand your reach by capturing new audiences and fine-tune your marketing and communication efforts with real-time campaign monitoring.

Yo can craft personalized customer journeys, deliver targeted promotions, automate workflows, streamline and engage in meaningful conversations, and unlock the true power of your customer data to drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

How does Hellotext work?

Hellotext focuses on your marketing needs and prioritizes business goals over company or audience size.

Our credit-based plans are designed to provide flexibility and value, empowering businesses of all sizes to bloom.

Pick the plan that best suits your needs, adjust it to fit your strategy (not the other way around), import or capture your audience and start turning your credits into impactful engagement and conversions.

With Hellotext, you only pay for the impact you make.

Is Hellotext suitable for my business?

Hellotext’s Pay As You Grow model is designed to provide flexibility and value to our customers by presenting a range of plans that cater to different business needs and budgets.

Our tailored approach focuses on goals and needs over company or audience size, allowing businesses of all sizes to thrive.

Either big or small, our revolutionary approach will fuel your business to become great.

How does the credit system work in Hellotext?

Our credit-based system puts conversion through engagement at the forefront of your strategy and you in control of your communication success.

Alongside Hellotext’s core features, each plan includes a predefined pool of monthly credits that you can transform into engagement fuel.

Depending on your strategy or goals you have the power to allocate these credits strategically sending impactful messages or triggering conversions. Each message sent or conversion achieved consumes a certain number of credits.

Hellotext provides detailed documentation and guidelines to help you understand credit consumption and optimize your messaging strategy for maximum efficiency.

If you happen to run out of credits during a specific month you can continue engaging and sending messages at a nominal over-usage price per credit or pause your campaigns until your credit pool replenishes with the start of the next month.

If this happens frequently or you expect to consume as much credits in the upcoming months, you can upgrade your plan or purchase additional credit bundles.

Choose the plan with the credit load that better accommodates to your needs and transform them into engagement fuel. See conversion table.

What happens if I run out of credits?

Even if you run out of credits there is no stopping your growth, you can continue engaging and sending messages at a nominal over-usage price per credit.

If you anticipate higher credit consumption in the upcoming months, you have the option to upgrade your plan or purchase additional credit bundles.

What’s the credit conversion rate?

Third Party Private Messages = 1/10th of a credit

Outgoing SMS from Migrated Number = 1/10th of a credit

Outgoing local SMS = 1 credit

International SMS = 1 credit

WhatsApp Conversations* = 2 credits

* Follows WhatsApp Business criteria: Conversations are 24-hour message threads between you and your customers. They are opened when Template form messages are sent and delivered. Service Conversations follow the “Free Tier Conversations” criteria.

** Conversions comprise a desired specific and traceable action directly related and in response to defined Call to actions, such as a Sale, cashing in a promo offer or redeeming coupons whether it is through SMS or WhatsApp conversations or online and offline campaigns. These are tallied once the interaction turns into a conversion.

Can I customize and personalize messages with Hellotext?

Absolutely! Hellotext offers robust customization and personalization features.

You can tailor your messages to reflect your brand’s voice, include dynamic content based on customer attributes, and leverage merge tags to insert personalized information.

This allows you to create highly targeted and relevant communications that resonate with your customers, resulting in increased engagement and better outcomes.

Is there a limit to the number of messages I can send with Hellotext?

There are no fixed limits on the number of messages you can send with Hellotext.

The specific amounts depend on the plan and credit pool you choose.

You have the flexibility to allocate credits based on your messaging requirements and desired engagements.

If you anticipate higher usage, you can upgrade your plan or purchase additional credits to accommodate your needs. Even if you run out of credits, you can continue engaging and sending messages at a nominal over-usage price per credit.

How many SMS and how many WhatsApps can I send?

The number of SMS and WhatsApp messages you can send depends on the plan you choose with its available credit pool and the way you allocate them.

Each message sent consumes a certain number of credits based on the destination and message type. As long as you have remaining credits, you can send and engage.

Even if you run out of credits there is no stopping your growth, you can continue engaging and sending messages at a nominal over-usage price per credit.

Hellotext provides detailed documentation and guidelines to help you understand credit consumption and optimize your messaging strategy for maximum efficiency.

Can I send international messages?

Yes. Hellotext supports international messaging.

You can send SMS and WhatsApp messages to customers located in different countries.

However, it’s advisable to review the pricing and coverage details for international messaging within the Hellotext platform, since international SMS may incur additional costs depending on the destination.

International WhatsApp conversations are not subject to additional costs.

Does Hellotext allow third-party integrations?

Definitely! Hellotext allows seamless third-party integrations through our comprehensive and user-friendly API.

Our API allows you to easily connect and interact with Hellotext’s features and functionalities, enabling the exchange of data between your systems and ours.

This integration flexibility empowers you to create custom workflows, automate processes, and extend the capabilities of Hellotext within your existing technology ecosystem.

Is Hellotext integrated with eCommerce platforms?

Indeed! Hellotext is integrated with the more popular eCommerce sites.

Furthermore Hellotext provides API integrations that allow businesses to connect their existing eCommerce platforms or systems with the Hellotext platform allowing them to harness the power of messaging to drive customer interactions, send order notifications, provide personalized customer support, and facilitate transactional messaging.

The integration between Hellotext and eCommerce platforms helps businesses streamline their communication and leverage the benefits of messaging for their online store operations.

Can I integrate Hellotext with my existing customer management system?

Yes. Hellotext offers integration capabilities with various CRM and third party systems.

Our platform provides a comprehensive API and guides to facilitate seamless integration with your existing systems, allowing you to sync customer data, automate workflows, and enhance the overall efficiency of your customer engagement processes.

Integration options may vary depending on your specific CRM or system requirements.

How does Hellotext handle opt-outs and unsubscribe requests?

Hellotext provides opt-out and unsubscribe functionalities complying with regulations and customer preferences.

When a customer opts out or requests to unsubscribe, our platform automatically manages their preferences, ensuring they no longer receive messages from your business.

This helps you maintain compliance, protect your sender reputation, and uphold a positive customer experience.

How secure is the Hellotext platform for handling customer data?

Hellotext complies with both international and local data protection regulations.

Furthermore, when you subscribe to our service, we formalize a Data Protection Agreement that outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties in terms of data protection and treatment.

This ensures that your data is handled and safeguarded in compliance with the highest standards of data privacy and security.

For more information read our Data Protection Agreement.

About the platform

What is the Hellotext Hub?

The Hellotext Hub is the core feature of the platform serving as a single interface where your team can collaborate on designing and managing campaigns, complete with an omni-channel inbox where your team members can manage and streamline customer SMS and WhatsApp conversations, collaborate between each other using private notes and mentions and maintain a unified view of customer interactions.

The Hellotext Hub enhances team productivity, improves communication, and enables seamless customer engagement.

What can Team Members do?

Team Members in Hellotext have specific roles to ensure effective management and efficient collaboration between team members.

Different roles have different credentials and clearances that determine how much access they have to sensitive information.

Agent This is the role with the least amount of privileges only able to manage profiles and conversations.

Manager Along with all the privileges Agents have, Team Managers are also able to manage campaigns and access reports, manage captures and program journeys. This is a role ideal for members with marketing responsibilities or have agents in charge.

Administrator Along with every privilege Managers have, Admins manage all billings and account settings except account deletion.

Owner Along with all the privileges Administrators have they are the only capable of deleting the business account.

Does Hellotext support automated campaigns?

Absolutely! Hellotext allows you to program and schedule campaigns and provides built-in tools to create customized automated journeys. You can set up predefined messages and actions to be sent at a specific time or set them off based on programmed triggers, conditions, or customer actions.

This powerful features enable you to engage with your customers at the right time, delivering relevant messages when it really matters.

You can nurture leads, send transactional notifications or promos, avoid cart abandonment and provide personalized experiences throughout the entire customer journey, ensuring a seamless and tailored communication experience.

How do I add my contacts?

Adding contacts to Hellotext is quick and easy.

You have multiple options to import your contacts, whether it’s in bulk, through integrations with existing databases or CRM systems, or using our built-in capture tools.

Each contact will generate a detailed profile that will continuously evolve becoming more rich and comprehensive as it feeds from data and activity tracking.

You also have the flexibility to manually add or refine profiles, create customized segments, and utilize our dynamic segmentation tools to keep your contacts organized and ready for engaging with personalized messages.

Are there any limitations on the number of contacts or subscribers I can have with Hellotext?

Hellotext offers scalable solutions to accommodate businesses of all sizes.

Although there is no limit on the number of contacts or subscribers you can have, depending on your plan there is a limited amount of subscribers you can fully track each month.

But don’t worry, if your customer base grows you can grow with it and upgrade your plan or purchase additional trackable profiles to engage with your larger audience effectively.

Is there a limit to the number of contacts I can reach per campaign?

There is no specific limit on the number of contacts you can reach in a campaign.

However, if a campaign is to be broadcasted to more than 100 contacts, it will undergo a pre-approval process to ensure compliance with our guidelines.

This process typically takes about 10 minutes to complete.

How does Tracking work?

Hellotext provides powerful tracking capabilities to monitor customer activity (once they subscribe) and the performance of your messages and campaigns.

Tracking your customers actions all across the board unlocks an unprecedented number of possibilities: segment your audience based on their behavior to reach them with better and more precise campaigns, trigger automations based on what customers do and let your team use this data as it happens as opportunities to engage and sell more.

Although there isn’t a limit to the amount of profiles you can add to your audience and interact with, there is a limit to how many profiles you can track.

Each plan has a predefined amount of profiles you can track each month to check what your customers do when they interact with your brand all across each platform.

If you desire to track more profiles than the preset amount in your plan, you can purchase additional trackable profiles or directly upgrade to a plan with a larger amount of monthly trackable profiles.

Performance tracking on the other hand is unlimited allowing you to track various metrics such as delivery status, open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates.

Furthermore, Hellotext tracks and measures the financial impact and revenue of your campaigns in real-time. This valuable data allows you to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns, optimize your messaging strategies, and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and drive better results.

Do I need a dedicated phone number?

No, you don’t necessarily need a dedicated phone number to use Hellotext.

Although you can migrate your existing line, Hellotext offers shared short codes (or dedicated ones depending on your plan) that you can utilize for your messaging campaigns.

These shared short codes allow you to send SMS and WhatsApp messages without the need for a dedicated phone number, making it convenient and cost-effective for businesses.

Can I use Hellotext for both SMS and WhatsApp communication?

Yes. Hellotext supports both SMS and WhatsApp communication.

You can leverage the platform to send and engage with customers through SMS messages or WhatsApp messaging app.

Hellotext’s omni-channel inbox enables you to reach customers on their preferred communication channels, even switching channels seamlessly without loosing a thread, enhancing the effectiveness of your messaging campaigns.

Can I schedule messages to be sent at specific times with Hellotext?

Yes. Hellotext provides scheduling functionality, allowing you to plan and schedule messages to be sent at specific times.

This feature enables you to automate your messaging and ensures that your messages reach recipients at the optimal time for maximum impact and engagement, driving conversions even when you are not around.

What type of reports does Hellotext provide?

Hellotext offers real time profile and campaign activity reports so you can make decisions based on key metrics and valuable insights to repeat, adjust or even change your strategy.

Furthermore, predictive and proactive reports provide diagnosis, suggested courses of action to optimize, correct or prevent events, forecast sales peaks and valleys, predict future purchases, restock notifications, product push and much more.

Hellotext also provides team performance reports with metrics such as average time to answer, customer satisfaction, revenue generated among others.

Profile tracking reports that allow you to monitor the behavior and interactions of your subscribers with your campaigns identifying patters and weak spots.

You can track their engagement with your messages, including the actions they take such as link clicks, form submissions, product purchases, items added to the cart, pages viewed, refunds, QR code scans, or any custom action specific to your business such as identifying the most and least engaged individuals.

This level of tracking provides deeper insights into individual subscriber activity and helps you tailor your messaging and offers to their specific interests and preferences.

Campaign trackings provide comprehensive reporting features that give you insights into the performance of your messaging campaigns. You can access metrics such as message delivery status, open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement analytics.

These reports help you evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns, measure ROI, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your messaging strategies.

These powerful reporting features, combined with profile activity tracking, empower you to optimize your messaging campaigns, deliver highly targeted content, and achieve better results for your business.

What kind of support or assistance is available for Hellotext users?

Hellotext offers various support options to assist its users.

You can access documentation, guides, and tutorials to learn how to use the platform effectively.

Additionally, Hellotext provides customer support channels such as email or live chat to address any questions or concerns you may have. The support team is dedicated to helping you maximize the benefits of Hellotext and ensuring a smooth experience for your messaging needs.

What is White Glove support?

Only available in the Scale Plan, Hellotext’s White Glove support is our premium and priority service that provides personalized assistance and expert guidance to optimize your messaging campaigns.

With dedicated support and consultancy, our team becomes an extension of yours, helping you set up campaigns, configure advanced features, and achieve optimal results.

What is Agency Consulting Service?

The Agency Consulting Service is a Paid add-on solution for hands-on campaign management.

From strategy development to execution, optimization, and reporting, our experts handle every aspect of your marketing campaigns with precision and care to maximize your ROI and unleash your brand’s potential.